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Undermining Democracy: The Dangers of Project 2025

Project 2025: A threat to our environment, economy and future.

As we draw nearer to the election, the Heritage Foundation’s proposed Project 2025 looms larger on the horizon. From environmental destruction to economic instability to scaling back civil rights, Project 2025 poses significant threats that cannot be ignored when we head to the ballot box in November. 

Here's a detailed look at why we all must take a stand against Project 2025.

Environmental Concerns

Project 2025 proposes opening up the Alaskan wilderness to extractive industries, leading to significant deforestation and increased greenhouse gas emissions. This disruption of fragile ecosystems will exacerbate the climate crisis and threaten the biodiversity vital for a healthy planet. Our planet is already facing critical challenges, and we can't afford to take steps backward. 

Economic Impact

The proposed tax cuts for the wealthy under Project 2025 could lead to a $1.5 trillion increase in national debt, threatening essential public services like education and healthcare. Additionally, by restructuring the tax code and introducing a U.S. consumption tax, non-wealthy Americans will likely pay more in federal taxes. Project 2025 also reduces overtime protections for millions of workers. 

Housing Security 

Project 2025 plans to cut funding for affordable housing programs, disproportionately affecting low-income and marginalized communities. This risks widening the gap between the rich and the poor, undermining efforts toward social equity. Advocating for policies that promote equity and justice is crucial. 

Health and Safety Risks

Loosening regulations on industrial pollution under Project 2025 could lead to higher emissions of harmful pollutants like sulfur dioxide and particulate matter. This would increase rates of asthma and other respiratory illnesses, especially in urban areas. Simultaneously, Project 2025 aims to stop current efforts to lower the price of lifesaving prescription drugs. 

Threat to Wildlife

Project 2025 includes plans to relax protections for endangered species, allowing for more industrial development in critical habitats. This threatens species like the gray wolf and the spotted owl. We must be the voice for those who can't speak for themselves. Preserving our biodiversity is essential for a balanced ecosystem and a healthy planet. 


Project 2025 proposes eliminating Head Start early education programs, leaving low-income Americans without access to necessary child care. It would also cut federal student loan programs at a time when higher education is increasingly expensive and unattainable. These combined efforts make it more difficult for low-income families to climb the ladder of economic mobility. 

Reproductive Healthcare

Project 2025 would revoke the approval of medication abortion by the FDA, making it extremely difficult to access abortion care and potentially leaving Americans who do to face criminal charges. In addition, it would remove current protections around the personal information of patients seeking or receiving reproductive care.

Civil Rights and Protections

This proposal would open up marginalized groups to face undue discrimination across the board—from housing to employment to health care to education. Project 2025 would end the White House Gender Policy Council, it would end the use of “disparate impact” to determine racial discrimination, and it would end school-based protections for LGBTQ+ youth. 

Community Well-Being

Proposed cuts to federal aid for disaster relief under Project 2025 could leave communities vulnerable in the wake of natural disasters, leading to displacement and loss of livelihoods. Our neighborhoods thrive when we prioritize the well-being of all residents. 

The Stakes Are High: Why We Must Reject Project 2025

It’s clear that Project 2025 poses numerous risks that would have long-lasting, negative impacts on the people of the United States. It's up to us to oppose Project 2025 and advocate for policies that protect our planet, promote social equity, and ensure economic stability for all. 

Your voice matters, and November is our chance to make it heard. Ensure you're registered and ready to vote. Let's stand together and protect our future.


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