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Denver: It’s Get Out The Vote Time—Let’s Prepare to Win!

by Scott Guthmann, Volunteers Captain At-Large, Democratic Party of Denver

Image of hands raised to convey the need to volunteer

I get it; you're busy —we’re all so busy! But now is the time to educate all Democratic voters everywhere and to make sure that every Democrat takes the time to vote. And that’s especially true right here in Denver.

Each of Colorado’s 55 county parties needs Democrats to help

We know that our county party, the Denver Democrats, can make a big difference to the entire state of Colorado. So it’s essential: Denver Democrats need all the engaged and trained volunteers we can get—folks who are ready to work to deliver Democratic wins. It’s our biggest priority! 

What type of volunteer help do we need? 
  • Canvassers: In Denver, we target left-leaning voters who vote for Democrats when they take the time to vote. But they don't always vote (gasp!). So, to increase voter turnout, we create a voter-education postcard. And a Canvasser hand-delivers the postcards to those targeted voters in September and October. 

We need just a few Canvassers to give about 90 minutes each. They’ll walk Denver precincts, ensuring that each voter learns who our candidates are, how to complete and cast valid ballots, and makes a plan to vote for our Democratic candidates. Click here to become a Canvasser.

  • Block Captains: Again, many voters would vote if we could reach them by a hand-delivered postcard. However, many live in apartment buildings with security that prevents non-residents from entering. We need volunteer Block Captains to help us ensure those who live in inaccessible buildings have the information they need to be more informed voters. We also mail postcards to voters in inaccessible buildings without a Block Captain. Click here to learn more.

  • Ballot Chasers: One of the most powerful tools Democrats have to win elections is Minivan, a free software application that displays “Voted” after each targeted voter on our list casts their ballot. We need Ballot Chasers all over Denver to monitor voter status in Minivan until the software displays that a ballot was received. Click here to learn more.

  • Precinct Organizers (POs): Every precinct in Denver should have two Precinct Organizers in place, trained to recruit a core group of Canvassers, Block Captains and Ballot Chasers. The role is critical to maximize precinct turnout in each election. Yet, not every precinct has a Precinct Organizer to manage this very important Get Out the Vote work. Are you ready to participate in this way? Click here to learn more.

What if working on these GOTV efforts isn’t for you?

Your help is still vital. This fall, we expect to spend nearly $60,000 to make sure Denver Democrats vote. Covering some of our expenses through a few dollars via a one-time donation or small monthly transfers as a Century Club member really helps. Click here to learn more about donating to your county party, the Denver Democrats.


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